The Nagomi (Japanese word meaning peace of mind) palliative care unit was
established within the site of the Mitaki General Hospital.
The garden serves as “another house” for patients, existing between the hospital and their own house, and providing an environment where patients can live with dignity and without losing their identity.
The garden was created anticipating that patients would be able to spend
their precious time conversing with their family in a
“tranquil atmosphere”, and a mutually pleasant relationship is born with
patients and the people taking care of them being immersed in nature.
Seasonal greenery and flowers also add a touch of peace.
Place/ Yokkaichi,Mie
Architecture/ Naito Architects Co., Ltd.
Photograph/ Yoshio Inoue
みたき総合病院緩和ケア病棟「なごみ」の庭 Gerden in the “Nagomi”palliative care unit of the Mitaki General Hospital