

Place/ Toyoake Aichi
Architecture/ CHUKEN SEKKEI Co., Ltd.  
Photograph/ sunstudio

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豊明の庭  Garden of Toyoake

寛ぎの庭としての要素を大切に、家族の会話が弾む、そんな風景を描きながら、落葉樹を中心に花・若葉・紅葉が楽しめるようにした、又、それぞれ独立した住まいを結ぶデッキがこの庭のbest viewをつくりだしてくれている。

In the image of a picture filled with lively family conversation yet with importance placed on relaxation, I created a garden of mainly deciduous trees planted where residents can enjoy flowers, young leaves and autumn leaves. The wood deck connecting the two independent houses provides the best view of this garden.